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SqlDBM Global Modeling

Functionality overview

Global references

Global references

The ability to reference objects from one project to another. Referenced objects are included as read-only and help to modularize business domain separation and dependencies. Users in referencing projects are notified in case of any changes made to those objects in parent projects. This functionality is not limited to projects of the same database type—objects from various databases/data warehouses can be visualized on the same diagram with this feature!

Global search
Coming soon

Global search

The ability to perform a search for any object or related metadata at the account/dashboard level. In that way, you can search across the full library of all projects and objects created and shared by your team in SqlDBM.

Coming soon

Global standards

Today, users can use SqlDBM to enforce standards (for example, using naming conventions, column templates, table templates, flags, etc). With Global Standards, users will be able to copy these standards from one project to another as well as maintain them globally, account-wide.

Global lineage
Coming soon

Global lineage

Full visual representation of source-to-target lineage. This will include sources and targets added through Global Reference and those created manually for sources/targets that SqlDBM does not support such as dashboards and BI tools.

Improved folder structure
Coming soon

Improved folder structure

Simplified organization of projects on the dashboard.

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